Microbiological quality and sensory perception of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. Pulp juice in Niger

Mahamadou Elhadji Gounga 1, *, Moussa Arohalassi Halidou 2 and Rayanatou Issa Ado 3

1 Department of Sciences and Techniques of Crop Productions, Faculty of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences, Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University of Maradi, Niger.
2 Doctoral School of Science, Engineering, Health and Environment (SISE), Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University of Maradi (UDDM), BP: 465 A.D.S Maradi-Niger.
 3 Department of Programme, World Food Programme, Maradi Sub-office, Maradi-Niger.
Research Article
International Journal of Frontiers in Science and Technology Research, 2023, 04(01), 001–016.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfstr.2023.4.1.0060
Publication history: 
Received on 01 December 2022; revised on 25 January 2023; accepted on 27 January 2023
The Sclerocarya birrea tree is a widespread and little-studied multipurpose forest species in Niger. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality and sensory perception of fruit pulp juices from two different regions. The results showed that the germs of alteration range from absence to 22 CFU/g for total mesophilic aerobic flora, from 01 to 08 CFU/g for total coliforms, the absence of yeasts and molds for 4 samples, the presence of yeasts at the level of 3 samples, varying from 02 to 23 CFU/g, and the absence of sulfite-reducing anaerobic germs for all sites. The presence of pathogenic germs in E. coli from 03 to 08 UCF/g was noted, but no salmonella was found, and staphylococci were found in at least two samples. There was no effect produced by the descriptors on the acid-sugar and acid-taste balance (P > 0.05), and the judges have different rating scales. The correlation analysis shows that there is an agreement among some panel members. The hedonic rating shows that two samples out of six did not obtain a good mean from consumers and global appreciation for the other four samples. It appears that good hygiene and processing practices must be reviewed in juice processing. In addition, the fruits of S. birrea are very acidic but also sweet, which requires the search for adequate methods of preservation to improve the taste qualities of its juice.
Sclerocarya birrea; Juice; Valorization; Microbiology; Sensory analysis; Quality; Niger
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