Laparoscopic versus open gastrectomy: Is there scope for minimal access surgery in gastric carcinomas

Arun Rao * and Ramesh

Consultant general surgeon, Salem Polyclinic, Salem.
International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine and Surgery Research, 2024, 05(01), 007–012.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfmsr.2024.5.1.0021
Publication history: 
Received on 01 January 2024; revised on 24 February 2024; accepted on 27 February 2024
In the recent times, laparoscopic methods have gained popularity in management of Gastric carcinoma . There are very few studies in literature that have compared the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic and open gastrectomy in advanced carcinoma stomach.
Hence we conducted this study to compare and contrast the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic vs open gastrectomy for patients with gastric carcinoma.


Hyponatremia; Loss of Appetite; Abdominal Mass; Laparoscopic methods
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