Agricultural extension workers' perception of cyber extension

Osad Imron Rosadi *, Hepi Hapsari and Lucyana Trimo

Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang km.21 West Java, 45363, Indonesia.
Research Article
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research, 2025, 08(01), 005-019.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijflsr.2025.8.1.0043
Publication history: 
Received on 27 December 2024; revised on 02 February 2025; accepted on 05 February 2025
Mastery of various information system technologies in the agricultural sector greatly supports the competence of agricultural extension agents. Extension agents must possess adequate competencies before conducting extension activities, education, or training for farmers to strengthen farmers' perceptions of technological innovation. This study aims to: (a) analyze the perceptions of extension agents toward Cyber Extension; (b) analyze the personal characteristics, motivation, and independence of agricultural extension agents in West Bandung Regency; and (c) analyze the partial and simultaneous effects of personal characteristics, motivation, and independence of extension agents on their perceptions of Cyber Extension in West Bandung Regency. The research method employed is a survey research method. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study indicate that: (a) agricultural extension agents in West Bandung Regency perceive Cyber Extension as playing an important role in supporting extension activities; (b) the primary motivation of agricultural extension agents in West Bandung Regency is to achieve high performance. Furthermore, the independence of extension agents is deemed satisfactory in emotional, intellectual, economic, and social aspects; (c) personal characteristics, motivation, and independence of extension agents have a significant simultaneous effect on their perceptions of Cyber Extension in West Bandung Regency. However, personal characteristics, when analyzed partially, do not significantly influence the perceptions of agricultural extension agents in West Bandung Regency regarding Cyber Extension. On the other hand, motivation and independence of extension agents partially have a significant effect on their perceptions of Cyber Extension in West Bandung Regency.
Agricultural Extension; Cyber Extension; Perception; Motivation; Independence
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