One health or how to see the training of new veterinary doctors with the right eyes

Carlos Navarro Venegas *

Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, FAVET, Universidad de Chile.
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research, 2022, 02(01), 001–002.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijflsr.2022.2.1.0049
Publication history: 
Received on 21 November 2021; revised on 09 January 2022; accepted on 11 January 2022
Our history has witnessed the advancement of science since ancient times and veterinary medicine has not been left behind. Both the studies of some pathologies considered by Edward Jenner and that of Canine Distemper are proof of this. Many of those pathologies involving RNA viruses (such as COVID19) would not have been studied without a multidisciplinary approach, perhaps in its visionary time. This brief report highlights the multidisciplinary approach that an updated Veterinary Medicine must take. Focusing all medical studies under the One Health concept should not be just a slogan.
Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary doctors; One health; Virology
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