Effect of varying levels of processed Black plum Vitex doniana supplemented meals on growth performance of broiler chickens

Abdulmumini Sule, Isaac Samuel * and Murtala Ismail Umar

Department of Agricultural Science Education, Federal College of Education [Technical], Bichi-Kano, Nigeria.
Research Article
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research, 2024, 06(02), 021–026.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijflsr.2024.6.2.0028
Publication history: 
Received on 09 February 2024; revised on 09 April 2024; accepted on 12 April 2024
The search for nonconventional feed supplements that can act as growth promoter with cost effectiveness for broiler chickens production and are capable of maximizing its growth performance will create increase supply of protein for the growing populace and growth in the investment of Nigerian poultry farmers. Therefore, a feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of varying levels of processed black plum meal on growth performance of broiler chickens. Two hundred and forty day-old chicks were used for the starter phase and one hundred and eighty four weeks old chicks were used for the finisher phase. Vitex doniana leaf meal had significant effects on final weight, weight gain, average daily weight gain, average daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio of broiler starter chicks. Birds fed T2, T3 and T4 diets had similar results in terms of the final weight, weight gain and average daily weight gain compared to chicks fed the control diet. Results showed that broiler finisher chickens fed T2, T3 and T4 diets had similar final weight, weight gain, average daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio and feed cost per kg weight gain. Birds fed the control had the least weight gain. In conclusion, processed black plum meal improved growth performance and reduced cost of feed to gain a kilogramme of meat at both the starter and finisher phases. Therefore, processed black plum meal as supplement in broiler chicken diets will increase efficiency for sustainable broiler chicken production.
Black plum; Broiler; Chickens; Vitex doniana
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