The economic potentialities of cactus pear as food and forage crop for sustainable agriculture in the arid and semi-arid regions: A review

Mohamed Arba *

Plant Ecophysiology and Cultures of Arid zones laboratory, Department of Horticulture, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine Horticultural Complex of Agadir B.P. 121, Ait Melloul 5615, Morocco.
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research, 2022, 02(02), 062–071.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijflsr.2022.2.2.0041
Publication history: 
Received on 23 March 2022; revised on 14 May 2022; accepted on 16 May 2022
The adaptation of cactus pear to arid environments and its importance in animal and human feed make the species largely used in the arid and semi-arid regions. The economic potentialities of cactus pear as food and forage crop and its production in animal and human feed are higher. Cactus pear products and by-products and the production sustainability of cactus pear in the arid and semi-arid areas open a great number of opportunities and hopes to rural populations of these regions. These products and by-products constitute a source of income for low income of rural populations. The nutritional value of cactus pear products and their content in minerals and vitamins make cactus pear fruits and cladodes important in the animal and human feed in the arid and semi-arid areas. Medicinal and cosmetic by-products are also obtained from cactus pear products. They increase the economic income of the farmers and rural populations. Cactus pear is also an important forage for livestock in the arid and semi-arid regions thanks to its high biomass production and palatability. Cactus pear pads are consumed by all the types of livestock. They are rich in water and carbohydrates and their digestibility is high, but their content in crude proteins is low. Cactus pear could be a supplement for low quality fodder such as straw, and the combination of the two elements could be an alternative fodder for the animals of the arid and semi-arid regions.
Morocco; Arid regions; Sustainable agriculture; Food and forage crop; Cactus pear products; Cactus pear by-products
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