COVID-19: Associated subacute thyroiditis in Albania
Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine, Tirana, Albania.
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research, 2022, 02(01), 029–031.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijflsr.2022.2.1.0031
Publication history:
Received on 16 February 2022; revised on 15 March 2022; accepted on 17 March 2022
Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) is an inflammatory disorder of the thyroid gland. It is also thyroid disease of viral or post viral origin. With the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) a thyroid impact was considered due to the potencial of SARS -COV-2 to cause multiorgan effects. A nineteen -year -old female with no history of concomitant disease. She had contact history with her father and her brother who had a positive nasopharingeal swab test for SARS-COV-2 RNA. She was asymptomatic and her test was negative. After three weeks she developed fatigue, muscle crumps, fever, temperature 39.5. Two days later these examinations were performed: CRP 136 mg/L ( < 5 mg/L), Ferritine 72.8 (20 - 200 ng/ml), Sedimentation 78 mm/, Kidney function and liver enzymes were normal. On chest radiography was found right lobe pneumonia. After seven days from the bigining of symptoms, her COVID-19 IgG serology was positive 1750 RU. Four months later, electrocardiogram demostrated sinus tachycardia.During this period our patient fell to a weight of 10 kg. The thyroid panel showed:TSH 0.02 (0.25 – 5.0 µU/mL), FT3 5.12 (4.0 – 8.3 pmol/L),FT4 13.3 ( 10.6 – 19.4 pmol/L), Anti - TPO 2.3 (< 80 IU/ml), Anti-TG 1.8 (< 80 IU/ml), TRAb 0.8 (<1.22 IU/L). She was diagnosed with SAT. In conclusion. We have to draw attention because after COVID-19 infection may develop SAT, whose diagnosis can be missed. Any symtoms associated with thyroid gland should be considered after viral infection.
Subacute thyroiditis; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2; Thyroid gland; SARS-COV-2 RNA
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