Utilizing comprehensive data dashboards to improve service delivery: Insights from U.S. case studies

Arenike Patricia Adekugbe 1, * and Chidera Victoria Ibeh 2

1 A.T Still University, St Louis, Missouri, US state.
2 Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, USA
International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering and Technology Research, 2024, 06(02), 008–018.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfetr.2024.6.2.0030
Publication history: 
Received on 19 February 2024; revised on 31 March 2024; accepted on 03 April 2024
In an era driven by data, the efficient utilization of comprehensive data dashboards has emerged as a crucial tool for enhancing service delivery across various sectors. This review provides insights into the impact and effectiveness of employing such dashboards, drawing from case studies conducted in the United States. Effective service delivery requires a deep understanding of operations, client needs, and performance metrics. Comprehensive data dashboards offer a solution by aggregating, visualizing, and analyzing vast amounts of data in real-time, providing decision-makers with actionable insights. Through a synthesis of case studies, this review elucidates how organizations in the U.S. leverage data dashboards to optimize service delivery. Firstly, the review examines the healthcare sector, where data dashboards play a pivotal role in improving patient care. Case studies highlight how hospitals utilize dashboards to monitor patient outcomes, manage resources efficiently, and identify areas for quality improvement. By tracking key performance indicators such as patient wait times, readmission rates, and medication errors, healthcare providers can implement targeted interventions to enhance service quality and patient satisfaction. Furthermore, the review delves into the realm of education, showcasing how schools and educational institutions leverage data dashboards to personalize learning experiences and improve student outcomes. Through the analysis of student performance data, attendance records, and demographic information, educators can identify at-risk students, tailor instructional strategies, and allocate resources effectively, thereby fostering academic success and equitable education opportunities. Additionally, this review explores the utilization of data dashboards in government agencies to enhance public service delivery. Case studies demonstrate how municipalities employ dashboards to track infrastructure projects, manage budgets, and address citizen concerns promptly. By fostering transparency and accountability, these dashboards facilitate citizen engagement and enable governments to deliver services that align with community needs and priorities. In conclusion, the review underscores the transformative potential of comprehensive data dashboards in optimizing service delivery across diverse sectors. By leveraging real-time data analytics, organizations can enhance efficiency, accountability, and client satisfaction, ultimately driving positive outcomes and fostering continuous improvement in service delivery practices.
Data dashboards; Service delivery; United States; Case studies; Optimization; Real-time analytics
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