Local cycles of the universe

V. Etkin *

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Russia.
International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering and Technology Research, 2023, 05(01), 069–079.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfetr.2023.5.1.0019
Publication history: 
Received on 30 June 2023; revised on 19 August 2023; accepted on 21 August 2023
The concept of the "dynamic Universe" is presented, in which the circulation of the continuum and corpuscular phases of matter with their inherent forms of energy. This process includes evolutionary and involutionary stages, the first of which begins with wave formation in the “hidden” (unstructured) part of the matter of the Universe and the transition of its “gravistatic” (potential) energy into “gravidynamic” (oscillatory) with the formation of a structured (baryonic) matter, its further compaction and complication, the formation of small and large celestial bodies, the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions in the latter, and an increase in pressure. The second stage includes their "explosion" of supernovae because of the violation of their stability, the later "big gap" and the return of matter to its original state. This circuit, occurring spontaneously in various regions of the infinite Universe, allows it to function in time and space indefinitely, bypassing the state of equilibrium. The data of astronomical observations are presented, confirming the proposed alternative to the "Standard Model" concept.
Dynamic Universe; Evolution and Involution; Baryonic and Non-Baryonic Matter; Circulation of Matter in the Universe; Formation and Decay of Matter; Wave Nature of the Universe.
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