A comparative review of subsea navigation technologies in offshore engineering projects

Osayi Philip Igbinenikaro 1, *, Oladipo Olugbenga Adekoya 2 and Emmanuel Augustine Etukudoh 3

1 Pisces Offshore Limited, Lagos, Nigeria.
2 Nigeria LNG Ltd, Bonny Island, Rivers State Nigeria.
3 Independent Researcher, Abuja, Nigeria.
International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering and Technology Research, 2024, 06(02), 019–034.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfetr.2024.6.2.0031
Publication history: 
Received on 25 February 2024; revised on 05 April 2024; accepted on 08 April 2024
Subsea navigation technologies play a critical role in enhancing precision and efficiency in offshore engineering projects. This comparative review examines the evolution and application of subsea navigation systems, with a focus on improving precision in offshore construction and surveying. The study evaluates various subsea navigation technologies, including acoustic positioning systems, inertial navigation systems, and optical imaging systems, highlighting their capabilities and limitations. The review begins by discussing the historical development of subsea navigation technologies, tracing their evolution from early acoustic systems to modern integrated solutions. It then explores the key components and operation principles of each technology, providing insights into their functionalities and suitability for different offshore applications. The study also examines the challenges and advancements in subsea navigation, including issues related to signal interference, accuracy, and real-time data processing. It discusses how these challenges have been addressed through technological innovations, such as improved sensor technologies and advanced data fusion algorithms. Furthermore, the review assesses the practical application of subsea navigation technologies in offshore engineering projects, including pipeline installation, subsea infrastructure maintenance, and underwater surveying. It analyzes case studies and industry practices to illustrate the effectiveness of these technologies in improving precision, reducing costs, and mitigating risks in offshore operations. Overall, this comparative review provides a comprehensive overview of subsea navigation technologies in offshore engineering projects. It highlights the evolution, capabilities, and applications of these technologies, emphasizing their role in enhancing precision and efficiency in offshore construction and surveying. The study concludes with recommendations for future research and development to further improve the performance and reliability of subsea navigation systems in offshore operations.
Subsea; Navigation; Technologies; Offshore; Engineering Projects
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