Foodborne virus-based: Cellular tropism and rapid methods of detection for food surveillance


1 Department of Health and Agricultural Sciences, Santa Úrsula University, Fernando Ferrari, 75 – Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2 Tropical Medicine, Vector Medical Malacology lato sensu postgraduate, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Avenida Brazil 4.365 – Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
International Journal of Frontiers in Biology and Pharmacy Research, 2025, 07(01), 001-005.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfbpr.2025.7.1.0021
Publication history: 
Received on 17 December 2024; revised on 04 February 2025; accepted on 07 February 2025
There are a wide range of microorganisms and chemicals risks that can cause illnesses resulting from the ingestion of foods of viral origin. Viruses cannot multiply in foods; however, foods serve as vehicles for infections. Foodborne diseases commonly address cellular tropism by the interaction of a viral surface protein with a host receptor reaching several organs and/or tecids classified by neurotropic (inducing central nervous system disorders), hepatotropic, enterotropic, pneumotropic and multitrophic for example Human adenoviruses (HAdVs), Noroviruses (NoVs), Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Hepatitis E virus (HEV), Parvoviruses, Rotaviruses (RVs), Caliciviruses, Polioviruses and others. Foodborne virus-based illness may be transmitted through eating food contamination linked diseases transmission sources as use inadequate hygiene of food, lack of basic sanitation, poor personal hygiene and consumption of raw or undercooked food. This paper described the rapid methods of detection in safety microbiology as cell culture-based, immunoassay and molecular-based technologies. Nanotechnology and food conservation has grown exponentially with investments in nanocompounds to produce antimicrobial materials for “smart” food contact surfaces. The implementation of molecular-based tools and viral tropism studies to high-throughput for foodborne issues should be up to date to mitigate the risk on environments virology and to avoid the risk in food safety and the impact on one health. Strategies of prevention of foodborne viruses-based has been implemented in surveillance programs for food microbiology.
Environments virology; Food safety; Methods detection; Foodborne diseases; One health
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