Potential utilization of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) as food ingredients and traditional medicine
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jl Mayjen Sutoyo No. 2. Cawang, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia.
International Journal of Frontiers in Biology and Pharmacy Research, 2022, 03(02), 001–007.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfbpr.2022.3.2.0059
Publication history:
Received on 01 October 2022; revised on 12 November 2022; accepted on 15 November 2022
Portulaca oleracea (PO) is a type of wild plant that has long been used as food and traditional medicine. This study aims to examine the use of PO as a food ingredient and traditional medicine and its bioactivity. The research method is a literature study on various online scientific sources from Google scholar using the keywords PO and uses PO. The information obtained is synthesized so that it can explain the use of PO in a comprehensive manner. Purslane is a nutritious vegetable with high antioxidant properties and has been recognized as the richest source of a-linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, ascorbic acid, glutathione, a-tocopherol and b-carotene. Ethnobotanically PO is used for the treatment of various diseases such as skin diseases, fever, dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, kidney, liver and spleen disease. The bioactivities PO is analgesic, antibacterial, skeletal muscle relaxant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antitumor. The compounds portulacerebroside B, portulacerebroside C, portulacerebroside D and portulaceramide A showed significant antibacterial effects on enteropathogenic bacteria in vitro. PO has the potential to be developed as a nutraceutical, especially to treat digestive tract disorders.
Portulaca oleracea; Antibacterial; Nutraceutical; Portulacerebroside
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