Hypertension management: A comparative analysis of garlic, hibiscus, hawthorn, and olive leaf and a survey

Jones, Martayevious 1, Hailemeskel, Bisrat 1, * and Fullas, Fekadu 2

1 College of Pharmacy, Howard University, 2300 4th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20059, USA.
2 Independent Researcher, 1409 Jackson Rd, Silver Spring, MD, 20904, USA.
International Journal of Frontiers in Biology and Pharmacy Research, 2024, 06(02), 008–013.
Article DOI: 10.53294/ijfbpr.2024.6.2.0039
Publication history: 
Received on 12 August, 2024; revised on 29 September, 2024; accepted on 02 October, 2024
Hypertension, a prevalent cardiovascular condition characterized by elevated blood pressure, poses a significant global health challenge. This paper reviews the potential of garlic, hibiscus, hawthorn, and olive leaf in reducing hypertension and improving one’s health. A survey was conducted among first year pharmacy students. The survey included 5 knowledge-based and 5 opinion-based questions, focusing on the four herbal remedies. The knowledge-based questions showed a correct answer rate of 61.1%, with the statement that garlic is generally safe to include in one’s diet, but excessive consumption can lead to adverse effects garnering a 91.1% correct response rate.  58.3% of the respondents failed to know the simple definition of hypertension. Opinion-based questions revealed a positive attitude towards herbal remedies with an average of 81% showing agreement on the potential benefits. Nearly 83% believed in consulting health professionals before integrating olive leaf extract, and about 89% agreed that garlic should be used as an approach to manage hypertension.
Hypertension; Garlic; Hibiscus; Hawthorn; Olive Leaf; Survey
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